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Mining is how bitcoins and cryptocurrencies gets created. You are actually creating digital money. We order ASIC machine and GPUs from China and set them up in our own facility or hosting partners to run the equipment with the cheapest electric costs in the country. BitTubers techs do all the work. The coins produced get put into your account.
Bitcoins astronomical growth is exploding the growth of other cryptocurrencies. The whole world is shifting into cryptocurrencies. There are Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. No one knows which ones will rise the quickest in value. Some have risen as high as 8000% in the last couple of years. We choose the most popular coins to mine. Each month we send you recommendations on what we are mining next. Select our main offer or go with your intuitive hunch on which coin to mine.
This is a business. As you keep buying more computer power it will grow to a lot of money. Look on the compounded growth page. This is a 2 year contract. But as you keep renewing the contract your opportunities for wealth increase. The longer you stay in the business the more chances you have to make money and hitting it big on some of the coins. You can increase your computer power weekly, bi weekly or monthly. The more computer power you have, the more coins you will produce.
We pool all the computer powers every 2 weeks. This allows a person who purchase a $100 computer power to be operating like a big player who purchase much more computer power.
• Instantly get into the crypto business
• Be set up to win with the bitcoin rocket rise
• Our electricity rate is so cheap, it is a fraction of what it would cost you to do it at home.
•No expensive equipment to buy
• WWe pool you with others so you do not need to buy you own equipment, tech support, electricity, rent or finding an ideal location.
• No crypto currency mining knowledge needed
• Hassle free. We do all the work
“Bitcoin is exciting...” [Source: Bloomberg]
Bill Gates Co-founder of Microsoft
“…there’s a big industry around Bitcoin...” [Source:]
Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Airlines, and 400+ businesses
“ algorithm replaces the function of the goverment …[that] is actually pretty cool.” [Source: Learning Bitcoin]
Al Gore Former Vice President of the United States
“[Bitcoin] is a remarkable cryptographic achievement… The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value…Lot’s of people will build businesses on top of that.” [Source:]
Eric Schmidt Executive Chairman of Google
“In the long term Bitcoin moves above $500,000 within three years.” [Source:]
John McAfee Founder of the software and anti-virus company McAfee Associates
“It is not a speculative investment …As Bitcoin network grows the value of Bitcoin grows. As people move into Bitcoin for payments and receipts they stop using US Dollars, Euros and Chinese Yuan which in the long-term devalues these currencies.” [Source: RT YouTube]
“Bitcoin is the beginning of something great: a currency without a government, something necessary and imperative.” [Source: Wikipedia]
Nassim Taleb Statistician, former trader and risk analyst
“I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency.” [Source: Cryptocoinnews]
Peter Thiel Co-Founder of PayPal
“I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government.”
Milton Friedman Economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
“I looked into it and it was brilliant.”
Jeff Garzik Co-Founder of Bloq Inc, a contributor to Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin developer
“At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things.”
Peter Diamandis Founder of the X Prize
“Bitcoin is the currency of resistance…”
Max Keiser Hosts of the Keiser Report